단체 프로그램

단체 프로그램

학교 및 기업 프로그램

아래의 전시회 및 프로그램들 또한 사업체 예약이 가능합니다. 자세한 정보를 보려면 해당 페이지를 방문하세요.

다양한 연령층에 맞게 특별히 구성한 다양한 교육 프로그램을 통해 아트사이언스 뮤지엄에서 예술, 과학, 기술 및 문화의 교차점을 탐험해 보세요.

다음 오퍼가 포함됩니다.

1. 원하는 위치에서 편안하게 이용할 수 있는 온라인 프로그램
2. 몰입감 높은 인터랙티브 워크숍과 제한 없는 전면적인 학습을 지원하는 가이드 투어
3. 참가자들의 학습 및 교실 내 편의를 모두 지원하는 광범위한 교육 지원 리소스

엄선된 프로그램들에 국립 예술 위원회(National Arts Council) 토트 보드 예술상(Tote Board Arts Grant) 보조금이 적용됩니다.

아트사이언스 뮤지엄 & 온라인
아트사이언스 뮤지엄 & 온라인

프로그램 하이라이트

  • ArtScience at School(학교에서 즐기는 아트사이언스 뮤지엄)
    ArtScience at School(학교에서 즐기는 아트사이언스 뮤지엄)
    본 온라인 프로그램을 통해 흥미로운 박물관의 콘텐츠를 가상으로 교실에 즐길 수 있습니다.
  • Future World: 예술과 과학의 만남 전시
    Future World: 예술과 과학의 만남 전시
    팀랩(teamLab)과 협업하여 만든 이 전시는 디지털 인터랙티브 설치 작품 컬렉션을 통해 예술, 과학, 기술, 문화가 교차하는 전시입니다.
  • 건축물 모험 가이드 투어
    건축물 모험 가이드 투어
    아트사이언스 뮤지엄의 상징적인 구조와 그 위치가 건축 설계를 형성한 방식에 대해 자세히 살펴보는 투어에 참가하세요.

Programme Offers

  • Virtual Learning
  • Exhibitions
  • Workshops
  • Guided Tours
  • VR Experience
  • Specials
  • Virtual Learning
    • ArtScience at School

      ArtScience at School

      ArtScience at School is an initiative which endeavours to bring exciting museum content into classrooms virtually while making the experience as authentic as what an on-site visit promises.

      This one-hour online session starts with an introduction to the exhibition, followed by an interactive session comprising an exclusively curated recorded tour and question and answer opportunities, and culminates in a hands-on activity.

      View Details

  • Exhibitions
    • Future World: Where Art Meets Science

      Future World: Where Art Meets Science

      Created in collaboration with teamLab, this exhibition meets at the intersection of art, science, technology and culture through a collection of digital interactive installations.

      View Details

  • Workshops
    • Inspired By: Olafur Eliasson – Colour and Light

      Inspired By: Olafur Eliasson – Colour and Light

      Olafur Eliasson is an Icelandic-Danish artist whose artworks often use light and nature to explore the science of perception, environmental issues and the relationship between light, movement and space.


      Through hands-on experiments, participants will understand how light refracts and reflects. 


      Learning Objectives:

      • Create a spectrometer to experiment with light and color.

      • Explore properties of light, including refraction, reflection, and the spectrum of visible light

      • Learn how scientific phenomenonsa are creatively used to produce artwork.

    • Inspired By: Patricia Piccinini – Genetics

      Inspired By: Patricia Piccinini – Genetics

      Patricia Piccinini is an Australian artist whose work blends human and animal forms to explore themes of bioethics, nature and the impact of experimentations.


      Through a hands-on craft activity, participants are introduced to the science of genetics and evolution and will reflect on the ethical and environmental questions raised by genetic modification.


      Learning Objectives:

      • Introduction to concepts of genetics and evolution, including the discussion on the ethics of biotechnologies.

      • Design and build a hybrid creature inspired by genetic modification

      • Learn how art is used to visualise scientific concepts and speculative futures.

    • Create a 3D Model

      Create a 3D Model

      In this workshop, experiment with new tech such as 3D scanning that uses technology to capture the shape of real-life objects and create digital 3D models. These digital models can then be painted using digital art software.


      With a creative design challenge prompt, participants will use 3D scanning and painting applications to customise a digital 3D model of their own.


      Learning Objectives:

      • Use 3D scanning technology and digital art skills to create and customise a digital 3D model.

      • Apply creativity and problem-solving skills to a design challenge.

      • Experience how technological innovations complement artistic and scientific fields.

    • We Are Nature Too

      We Are Nature Too

      What does it mean to live in a ‘City in Nature’?  


      Through a guided nature-art trail around the museum and its surrounding green spaces, participants will observe, get creative and reflect through using a digital journal.


      Learning Objectives:

      • Understand the interconnected relationship between urban environments and local biodiversity.

      • Develop empathy for the natural world.

      • Explore basic tools and software of digital journalling.

    • Sustainability in Design

      Sustainability in Design

      Learn about environmentally conscious design through a tour of the museum, followed by a reflective activity, anchored around how the design of ArtScience Museum contributes to its sustainability efforts.  


      Learning Objectives: 

      • Explore the role of energy-efficient systems, water conservation measures, and sustainable materials in sustainable design.

      • Understand  the importance of design, planning and daily processes to sustainable operations.

      • Reflect on how our actions impact local and global ecosystems.

    • Book of Little Joys

      Book of Little Joys

      Celebrate the little joys in life with a mindfulness workshop. Mindfulness activities help us to focus on the present and appreciate these small, often overlooked, positive experiences.


      Through a simple book-making workshop, participants will explore various wellbeing techniques that they can incorporate into daily life.


      Learning Objectives:

      • Learn about the effects of stress on our bodies

      • Try out the meditative art style of freehand drawing. 

      • Explore intentional reflection through positive affirmation and haiku writing.

      • Create a journal of their own to take home. 

  • Guided Tours
    • Attractions of Marina Bay Sands Tour

      Attractions of Marina Bay Sands Tour

      Join us on a tour to explore the various attractions at Marina Bay Sands and learn about its design and sustainability features, coupled with historical anecdotes.

      View details

  • VR Experience
    • VR Gallery

      VR Gallery

      Float in space, dive into other worlds in our new VR Gallery.

      View Details

  • Specials
    • The Art of Tech

      The Art of Tech

      Discover the intersections of art and technology through various programmes and exhibitions at ArtScience Museum.

      View details

    • Museum Careers: Beyond the Exhibitions


      Find out more about museum careers and the various roles in ArtScience Museum.

      View details

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