Archive of previous ArtScience in Focus events at ArtScience Museum.

Leaps of Imagination: Robotics + Animation
19 - 29 May | 10am - 7pm
Free | ArtScience Galleries | Level 4
Ideas of art, technology, engineering and design intersect in this vibrant pop-up showcase themed around robotics and animation. The concept showcase is a gathering of creative works and innovative projects that explore the relationship of these ideas and how they propel us forward in a technological era.
Discover interdisciplinary projects that utilise video and animation, game design, and robotics in inventive ways. Exchange ideas with the bright young minds behind animation works, and find out how these innovators ideate and create through collaboration. Explore hands-on experiential zones charged with robotics challenges, taking creativity as the starting point of innovation.
This programme is presented in collaboration with LASALLE College of the Arts’ Puttnam School of Film & Animation, Nanyang Polytechnic’s School of Interactive & Digital Media, National University of Singapore’s Advanced Robotics Centre, Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of InfoComm Technology, Republic Polytechnic’s School of Engineering, Rulang Primary School and Singapore Writers Festival.
Please refer to our Facebook event page for more details.

MeshMinds 1.0: ArtxTechforGood
1월 25일 | 오후 7시-10시
1월 26일-2월 2일 | 오전 10시-오후 7시
무료 | 예술과학 갤러리 4층
예술과 기술의 완벽한 결합인 MeshMinds 1.0이 인터랙티브 디지털 놀이터인 ArtxTechforGood 탐험으로 여러분을 초대합니다. 파트너사의 최신 VR, AR, 3D 프린팅 및 사물인터넷(IoT) 기술을 통한 일련의 인터랙티브 경험에 빠져들어 자신만의 가상 작품을 만들고, 증강 현실 렌즈를 통해 예술 작품을 관람하고, 3D 프린트로 만들어진 세계를 경험해 보고, 몸으로 음악을 연주해 보세요.
자세한 내용은 당사 Facebook 이벤트 페이지 를 참고해 주세요.