ArtScience in Focus- Events at ArtScience MuseumArtScience in Focus- Events at ArtScience Museum


Archive of previous Special events at ArtScience Museum.

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Light & Colour Workshop at Marina Bay Sands

만화 & Hong Shin과 함께하는 만화 마스터클래스

5.29. 화요일 | 오전 11:00 - 오후 12:30
6.2. 토요일 | 오후 2:30 - 오후 4:00
6.16. & 30. 토요일 | 오전 11:00 - 오후 12:30
지하 1층 교육실

쿵! 쾅! 퍽! 만화를 직접 그려보는 워크숍에 참여해 창의력을 발휘해 보세요. 각 지역의 영웅들의 이야기를 알아본 후 그림으로 표현하는 시간을 통해 각자의 개성을 표현하고 자신만의 독창적인 스토리를 만화로 만들어볼 수 있습니다!

이 워크숍은 놀라운 사롱, 롤리의 비밀(The Amazing Sarong, Lolly’s Secret) 싱가포르 해군 50주년을 기념한 작품인 해군 아호이(Ahoy, Navy!) 시리즈 등의 그림책 일러스트레이션을 담당한 Quek Hong Shin이 맡아 진행합니다.

* 참가비 1인당 S$15, 선착순으로 최대 20명까지 참가 가능합니다.

Light & Colour Workshop at Marina Bay Sands

내 안의 영웅 찾기: 실습 가이드

6.9. 토요일 | 오후 2:30 - 오후 3:30
6.15. & 22. 금요일 | 오후 2:30 - 오후 3:30
지하 1층 교육실

내면의 놀라운 힘을 발견하고, 숨겨져 있던 정체성을 창조하고, 스스로 영웅이 되어볼 수 있는 시간! 쌍방향 워크숍에 참여해 각자의 장점과 꿈으로 어떻게 세상을 변화시킬 수 있는지 알아보세요.

* 참가비 1인당 S$5, 선착순으로 최대 20명까지 참가 가능합니다.

Light & Colour Workshop at Marina Bay Sands

슈퍼히어로 미 선데이

6.10., 17.& 24. 일요일 | 오후 2:30 - 오후 5:30
지하 2층 레인보우 룸

무엇이 영웅을 영웅으로 만들까요? 슈퍼히어로 미(Superhero Me)와의 콜라보레이션으로 누구나 쉽게 할 수 있는 재미 있는 수공예 프로그램을 통해 일상을 변화시켜 주는 마법의 재료를 발견해 보세요 - 누구나 참여할 수 있습니다!

Light & Colour Workshop at Marina Bay Sands

화면 속 예술과학(ArtScience On Screen): Animal Powers(애니몰 파워) 

Expression Gallery(익스프레션 갤러리) 4층  | 무료 입장

우리에게 가장 친숙한 동물 친구들이 자신의 극적인 모험에서 영웅으로 변화하는 내용의 미니시리즈 영화입니다. 필리핀과 말레이시아에서 많은 사랑을 받은 영화들을 포함하여, Animal Powers는 다른 이들이 간과한 동물들과 사람들이 스스로의 힘으로 문제를 해결해 나가는 세상을 영화가 어떻게 상상했는지 알아봅니다.

Express Yourself at Marina Bay Sands

자기 표현 워크숍

6.1. 금요일 | 오후 4:30 - 오후 5:30
지하 1층 교육실

여러분의 예술적 영감과 숨겨진 창의력을 발휘하여 자기 자신을 마음껏 표현해 보세요! 이 워크숍은 그림, 콜라주, 단어 연동, 미디어 믹스 등의 기법을 사용하여 예술을 통해 추구할 수 있는 대화법과 열린 토론의 장을 마련합니다. 워크숍 마지막 부분에는 캔버스의 각자의 작품을 창조해 보는 시간이 준비되어 있습니다. 이를 통해 창작의 세계에 한 걸음 더 가까워지는 계기를 마련해 보세요!

* 참가비 1인당 S$5, 선착순으로 최대 20명까지 참가 가능합니다.

Light & Colour Workshop at Marina Bay Sands

빛과 &색채 워크숍

6.8. & 22. 금요일 | 오후 4:30 - 오후 5:30
지하 2층 레인보우 룸

분광 광도계를 이용해 다양한 빛의 스펙트럼을 발견하고 프리즘을 이용해 빛의 굴절을 관찰하는 등의 다양한 실험을 통해 빛과 색채를 체험하세요. 칠흑같이 어두운 방 안에서 재미 있는 쌍방향 관찰을 통해 다양한 색채로 펼쳐지는 빛의 향연을 감상하세요.

* 참가비 1인당 S$5, 선착순으로 최대 20명까지 참가 가능합니다.

Make Your Own Tote Bag Workshop at Marina Bay Sands

나만의 토트백 만들기 워크숍

6.15. 금요일 | 오후 4:30 - 오후 5:30
지하 1층 교육실

Future World(퓨처 월드) 전시회에서 영감을 받은 독특한 프린트 무늬로 자신만의 개성 있는 토트백을 프린팅해 보세요. 나만의 프린트와 색깔을 완성하고 프린팅 과정에 대해 더 자세히 배워보세요.

* 참가비 1인당 S$5, 선착순으로 최대 20명까지 참가 가능합니다.

The Dyson Technology Experience

The Dyson Technology Experience

14 - 15 April, Sat - Sun | 11am - 6pm

Free Admission | Venue: Expression Gallery, Level 4

Think differently, make mistakes, invent and realise your engineering potential. Join Dyson at the ArtScience Museum to uncover the world of science and technology. Discover through play and hands-on with activities that will inspire you and your little ones with the power of creative thinking and problem-solving.

This event is organised by Dyson.

*Limited capacity, entry on a first-come-first served basis

Please refer to our Facebook event page for more details. 

Nick Ut: My Story

i Light Specials

In support of the i Light Marina Bay 2018, ArtScience Museum will be opening its doors till late from 15 to 17 March 2018 (Thursday to Saturday) and visitors can enjoy special 1-for-1 offer* between 7pm and 10pm to all exhibitions. What’s more, enjoy live performances, special film screening and street food on a fun museum night-out!

Explore all things street art through masterclasses, workshops and activities! Catch the museum’s first live Graffiti Battle on 17 March as five groups of streets artists create their masterpieces from scratch at the outdoor oculus. Be a judge and vote for your favourite street art piece!

*Terms and Conditions apply. 

ArtScience Late: Leslie Low

ArtScience Late: Leslie Low

15 March, Thursday | 8pm

Free Admission | Venue: Expression Gallery, Level 4

Experience music in its most introspective and honest form in an intimate acoustic evening with singer-songwriter Leslie Low of The Observatory. Reflecting on our contemporary urban condition in this unplugged retreat, Leslie plays confronting, heartfelt anthems from his solo releases along with new original songs.

* Limited capacity, entry on a first-come-first served basis

Please refer to our Facebook event page for more details.

16 March, Friday

16 March, Friday | 10am – 10pm

Venue: Lobby, FabCafe

Immerse in a street carnival atmosphere and enjoy a fun-filled Fab Friday at FabCafe. Savour delicious street food such as freshly-made tacos with homemade pico de gallo, and delicious all-day hotdogs. Catch local film ‘Singapore Minstrel’, featuring an old-time pioneer busker ‘Silver Man’ and the Singapore’s street art and sounds. Be inspired by Art from the Streets exhibition and create your own mosaic and stencil art pieces!

17 March, Saturday

17 March, Saturday | 10am – 10pm

Venue: Various locations within ArtScience Museum

Unleash your inner artist through engaging street art-related hands-on fun! Get your creative juices flowing through a series of activities, masterclasses and workshops. 

Join us and catch the museum’s first live Graffiti Battle on 17 March as five groups of renowned graffiti artists – ASMOE (PB/ZNC), ALOTONE(DTB/TFK), SONG (RSCLS), MIZNEK(DTB/TFK) and REAPS(BMK) – battle it out and create their masterpieces from scratch at the museum’s outdoor oculus. Be a judge and vote for your favourite street art piece!

Click here to find out more!

Make Your Own Tote Bag

Make Your Own Tote Bag

12 March, Monday | 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Venue: Education Classroom Basement 1

Have a hand at printing your very own tote bag featuring exclusive prints inspired from Future World exhibition. Create your own print combination and colourway and learn more about the printing process.

* S$5 per participant. Up to 20 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

Light & Colour Workshop

Light & Colour Workshop

14 March, Wednesday | 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Venue: Rainbow Room, Basement 2

Experience light and colour through various hands-on experiments such as using a spectrophotometer to discover different spectrums. Walk into a dark room and witness the impact of colour through observations.

* S$5 per participant. Up to 20 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

Express Yourself

Express Yourself

16 March, Friday | 4:30pm - 5:30pm
17 March, Saturday | 7.30pm - 8.30pm 

Venue: Exhibition Entrance, Basement 2

Express yourself by experimenting with your artistic side and tap on your inner creativity to find out where you could take yourself! Using techniques such as drawing, collaging, word association and mixed media, this workshop aims to promote dialogue and open discussion about issues that can be addressed through art. At the end, you will create your own artwork to help you get started on your personal creative path!

* S$5 per participant. Up to 20 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

Nick Ut: My Story

Nick Ut: My Story

10 February | 4pm – 5pm

Free Admission | Expression Gallery, Level 4

An eyewitness to pivotal moments in history, Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist Nick Ut tells his story for the first time in Singapore. Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime experience as Ut recounts The Terror of War –  his iconic photograph depicting children in flight from napalm bombing. The photograph was awarded the World Press Photo of the Year in 1973, notably believed to have assisted the change in course of conflict towards liberation in April 1975. Third to be inducted by the Leica Hall of Fame for his significant contributions to photojournalism, Nick Ut is presented in Singapore by Leica Camera Asia Pacific.

*Free on a first-come-first-served basis, subject to capacity.

Please refer to our Facebook event page for more details.

About Nick Ut

Huỳnh Công Út, known professionally as Nick Ut (born March 29, 1951) is a Vietnamese American photographer for the Associated Press (AP) who works out of Los Angeles. He won both the 1973 Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography and the 1973 World Press Photo of the Year for "The Terror of War", depicting children in flight from a napalm bombing. In particular, his best-known photo features a naked 9-year-old girl, Phan Thị Kim Phúc, running toward the camera from a South Vietnamese napalm attack on North Vietnamese troops at the Trảng Bàng village during the Vietnam War. On the 40th anniversary of that Pulitzer Prize-winning photo in September 2012, Ut became the third person inducted by the Leica Hall of Fame for his contributions to photojournalism.